Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Needlepoint Case

Here is a little needlepoint case I finished last night. Came out so pretty I think.


  1. Who will be the lucky owner????? Hours and hours of work here and it is beautiful, a real little treasure. Cheers Glenda

  2. Beautiful. I tried needlepoint many years ago but just couldn't stay with it. But I really love completed work and your's is great.

  3. Thank you everyone. A friend gave this to me. She had bought it thinking she would make it and gave up before she started. I may give it to her. But then again I am thinking it might be a great needle case. IT ia onw of those things I started a LONGGG time ago and just ran across it and decided to get er done! Think my last needlepoint was years ago. I enjoyed this one. Took a lot out when I realized I had changed direction.
    Thanks all
